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Friday 19 October 2018

Perry Carroll is still peddling his version of the Solar Cloth Company disaster

Peregrine Carroll, to give him just one of his used names at CH, took £967k off Crowdcube investors. His company Solar Cloth Company, then went into administration, was sold for tuppence to a company that also went into liquidation. SCC owed around £3m. It is now finally dissolved.

You can read all about it here and here

We only mention this again as we glanced at Perry Carroll's CV on Linkedin, when doing some research into what had happened to the various people who have abused Crowdcube and we found he had rewritten history. Take a look here. It is pretty shocking when you consider what a mess he left behind and the fact that his past record, hidden by Crowdcube's total lack of DD, would have suggested this was a guaranteed outcome.

Then take a look at what the Crowdcube official SCC page says - no mention of any failure at all. You wouldnt believe it if you did not see it with your own eyes. Why are they not obligated to give the public the facts about this sort of catastrophe under FCA rules? It is exactly the sort of useful information investors need to avoid another con. 

Perry now goes by the name Peregrine Sakata-Carroll. Well that's for now anyway. Operating out of Cambrdige, he runs his own consultancy. There is nout as queer as folk, eh.

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